CHAK Strategic Plan External Evaluation Consultancy Opportunity in Kenya

Christian Health Association of Kenya

Strategic Plan External Evaluation Consultancy

CHAK is a national faith-based organization committed to promoting universal access to quality health care.

CHAK programmes are guided by a six-year strategic plan which is implemented through 2 phases of 3-year programmes. A mid-term review was done in 2019.

CHAK is seeking to engage a consultant/consultancy firm to carry out the end–term evaluation of implementation of the Strategic Plan 2017 – 2022 and the 3-Year Programme 2020 – 2022 to ascertain achievements (results / output / outcome / impact) and assess the effectiveness, efficiency and relevance and provide findings, conclusions and recommendations for action in the subsequent strategic plan.

The evaluation should be completed by 31st July 2022 to inform development of the next strategic plan.

The evaluation process should include entry meeting, inception report, literature review, key informant interviews and workshop with CHAK member health facilities, Board and staff.

The TOR for the consultancy can be accessed from CHAK Secretariat

by contacting or

or from CHAK website:


  • The consultant/consultancy firm should have good knowledge of the health sector in Kenya
  • At least 3 years consulting experience in the evaluation of strategic plans and/or donor funded projects
  • Knowledge of the prevailing health sector delivery system, health financing reforms, regulatory & policy environment and national health priorities
  • Good listening, documentation and analytical skills
  • Competence in strategy, research, public health and health systems.

CLICK HERE for a detailed Terms of Reference.


Interested consultants / consultancy firms should submit their expression of interest, accompanied by capacity statement and consultancy proposal responding to the TOR that includes methodology, costing, team composition, referees and delivery timelines to;

General Secretary
Christian Health Association of Kenya
Musa Gitau Road, off Waiyaki Way
P.O Box 30690, 00100, Nairobi

Email: ;

The closing date for receiving the Expressions of Interest is 8th June 2022