AIC CURE Request for Proposal for Statutory Audit Service Opportunity in Kenya

AIC CURE International Hospital 

Request for Proposal for Statutory Audit Service

AIC CURE is a faith- based orthopaedic hospital founded by CURE International and African Inland Church in 1998.

The hospital, set up to provide care to physically challenged children from needy families and communities and has over the years grown to become a national hub for orthopaedic care for both children and adults.

Our Mission: Healing the sick and proclaiming the kingdom of God.

Our Core Values

  • Being Christ Like
  • Being Child Like
  • Integrity
  • Restoring the broken
  • Intentional Relationships

Objectives and scope of the audit

The objective of this audit will be as follows;

  • To express an opinion on the financial statements as per statutory requirements; the report of which shall be served to the management of AIC Cure International Hospital.
  • Management letter containing comments and recommendations with respect to accounting and administrative controls and efficiency.
  • Availability throughout the year to provide advice and guidance on financial accounting and reporting issues.
  • Present to the senior management and board of directors their findings and audit opinion for the period

The organization’s financial year runs from 1st July to 30th June and the successful firm will start with the audit of the FY 2022 books of account

Proposal content

In order to simplify the evaluation process and obtain maximum comparability, AIC Cure International Hospital requires that all responses to the RFP be organized in the manner and format described below:

  • Executive summary
    • Describe your understanding of the work to be performed and your firm’s ability to perform the work within the time provided.
  • Professional experience
    • Describe how and why your firm is different from other firms being considered. This should include an explanation of the firm’s philosophy, size, structure and qualifications with serving organizations in Kenya. Discuss the firm’s independence with respect to AIC Cure International Hospital.
  • Team Qualifications
    • Identify the specific partners, managers and in-charge staff who will be assigned to this engagement if you are successful in your bid. Provide their bios specifying relevant experience to type of services requested.
  • Audit approach
    • Describe how your firm will approach the proposed services, and the type of assistance that will be required from AIC Cure staff and elaborate the communication process used by the firm to discuss issues with management and the board.
  • Fees
    • Include a cost statement showing proposed fees to perform the audit service. This information should include a table identifying each level of staff hours planned for the audit at the proposed rates and an itemized listing of all other expenses or fees proposed. List the assumptions upon which the fee may be based, if any. That is, identify any conditions that would cause the firm to request a change in the proposed fee.
  • Client References
    • Include a list of the relevant clients the firm has served within the past three years and furnish the names and telephone numbers of any references whom we may contact. Preferably mission hospitals or NGO’S
  • Additional information
    • Please provide any additional information, not specifically requested, but which you believe would be useful in evaluating your proposal.

Evaluation of proposals

While price is an important factor, AIC Cure will evaluate proposals on price and the following criteria:

Application process

Interested audit firms that meet the above requirements are encouraged to apply on or before 27th June 2022 by 5.00 pm.

Complete proposal documents should be sent to the email with email title clearly marked ‘Application for Statutory Audit Services’.
All applications will be accepted via email.

Indicate the contact point/person within the firm for receiving subsequent correspondences.

Any queries regarding this request should be addressed to the email

CURE Kenya
P.O. BOX 52-00220 Kijabe, Kenya
Tel: 0733 770 653