A prestigious day and boarding co-educational school, which offers the Kenya National Curriculum and the British Cambridge Curriculum, is inviting applications from well qualified applicants for the following positions:
Job Title: Nurse
We are looking for a responsible, mature individual who will be in charge of the general welfare and health of the children and staff, as well as hygiene management in the school campuses.
They should be a team player with excellent communication skills as well as have experience in managing / coordinating care pathways between doctors, nurses and families.
The interested candidate should have:
A minimum of 5 years’ experience working in a busy medical environment, preferably a school or pediatric hospital
Completed Nursing Diploma
Registered under the Nursing Council of Kenya.
How to Apply
Interested candidates should apply by e-mail together with a detailed C.V., a telephone number and names of three referees to:
Email: gkjeri@gmail.com, sgaiku.me@gmail.com,
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted