Terre des hommes (Tdh)
Terms of reference (ToR) for the COMIC Relief Project End-Evaluation in Korogocho informal setlements, Nairobi
1.0 About Terre des hommes
Terre des hommes (Tdh) is Switzerland’s largest children’s aid organization. For more than half a century, the Foundation has been working alongside children in distress. It struggles to enforce their rights, without political, racial or denominational concerns.
In more than 30 countries, Tdh protects children against exploitation and violence, improves the health of children and their mothers, and provides psychological support and material assistance in times of humanitarian crisis.
Tdh has been present in Kenya since 2011 and is currently supporting access to basic services for populations affected by displacement, natural crises and poverty in Dadaab refugee camps, in Garissa County and in Korogocho slum in Nairobi.
The intervention in Dadaab refugee camps is focused on prevention and response to child protection needs while strengthening protection community-based mechanisms in the refugee operation and its host communities.
In Korogocho informal settlements, Tdh implements early child development activities and child protection activities.
Korogocho is the fourth largest slum in Nairobi and one of the most congested and poorest urban areas in Kenya.
It has an estimated population of 150,000 inhabitants (including 60,000 children) who live in a mere 1.5 km2, coping with exceedingly cramped, unsanitary and unsafe housing conditions and high levels of poverty.
Most Vulnerable Children (MVCs) are identified by the Kenyan government and UNICEF as those in the poorest 40% of households and living in informal urban settlements.
High economic insecurity, violation of rights, endemic violence and lack of social protection services are undermining the capacity of the communities to enjoy their rights and develop opportunities in equality.Tdh` long-standing child protection programme in Korogocho has identified that these children are especially vulnerable to abuse.
There are high levels of sexual and gender-based violence (6 % of 2018 caseloads) and child neglect (32%). Girls in Korogocho are further exposed to specific risks, both as young children and then later in life (sexual violence, sexual activity as a means of livelihoods, single parenting, early pregnancy).
The factors which contribute to and exacerbate child protection concerns include endemic unemployment and severe household financial insecurity; high crime rates including domestic and intimate partner abuse.
Tdh in partnership with Comic Relief has been implementing the project ““Kuishi na Kustawi”- Transforming early childhood development outcomes, a 3-year Early Childhood Development project promoting optimal physical, emotional and secure development and provide early learning opportunities to 1800 most vulnerable children aged 0-6 in Korogocho slum.
The project`s objective is to provide holistic and nurturing care for young children (especially girls) through the following inter-linked outcomes;
1. Centre-based development: Improving the ability of ECD centres and their staff to respond to the development needs of children aged 0 to 6.
2. Support parents/community stakeholders to promote optimal and nurturing ECD: Strengthen parents ‘and community stakeholders ‘capacities to actively nurture the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive growth of young children
3. Policy: Influence policy choices of the local and national child development services to prioritise early
childhood development.
The project will end in December 30, 2022, and an external final evaluation is planned to take place in between October and November 2022.
The project`s theory of change identifies centre-based development as a key outcome towards achieving the envisioned objective.
This is to be achieved by building of capacities in existing ECD centres, improving access to and infrastructure at centres, early childhood development methodologies in ECD centres (and for parenting) drawing on the existing curriculum and by introducing a child-centred approach to promote skills including: creativity, problem-solving, communication and collaboration in children 0 to 6. Children’s individual learning style and individual learning goals will be noted, with learning trajectory recorded by ECD workers and parents.
ECD personnel will better understand how to promote cognitive, physical, and socio-emotional development, and be able to apply this knowledge in their work. Towards this end, Tdh has been working with 30 ECD centres in Korogocho.
In addition to centre-based development, community ownership and demand creation of ECD is pivotal towards having a holistic approach positive towards ECD outcomes.
Parental training, peer to peer parenting groups, supporting access to services and guided child to child interactions with older children are among the interventions in place, while facilitating social inclusion specifically for children with disabilities and girls.
Consistent and intentional technical and financial support of ECD is key to spur and sustain positive ECD
outcomes and it`s is for this reason that the results achieved under
outcome 1 and 2 be complemented by advocacy at Sub-County, County and
national levels to influence the national ECD frameworks and inform
community of practice in improving ECD interventions amongst peers.
The evaluation is a Tdhfinal evaluation to be conducted through an external firm or consultant intending to inform Tdh and Comic relief on the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, and overall performance of the project.
The main objective is to evaluate the program’s impact against the desired results as articulated in the project’s result framework in the 3 years of implementation. Recommendations will be used at a strategic level to improve learning for future interventions.
The evaluations specific objectives aim to;
1. Assess the progress of the project’s indicators against the targets, as articulated in the result-framework.
2. To assess the effectiveness of centre based ECD approaches towards improving capacities to respond to developmental needs of children between 0-6 years as well as improving access and quality.
3. To assess the effectiveness of the project in changing social and community attitudes and perceptions
on Early childhood development.
4. To appraise and document the degree of the project`s influence on the community of practice for ECD
interventions as well as local and national policy implementation and/or formulation.
5. Provide input to similar programs or scale ups and learning on assumptions and pathways for Tdh`
developing theory of change on promoting and sustaining positive ECD outcomes.
6. To document and make recommendations backed by solid evidence on what worked (or didn’t work)
as well as sustainability of the results in each of the 3 outcomes identified during project design.
CLICK HERE for a detailed terms of reference
The interested firm / consultant should submit a technical proposal with a detailed evaluation methodology, indicative work plan, and the overall approach to the evaluation and an all-inclusive budget proposal no later than October 27th 2022.
The submission of proposals (technical and financial) and/or related questions should be directed via procurement email to: ken.tenders@tdh.ch
The submission should include the followings:
- Company/ Consultant profile including a history of similar projects (if applicable);
- A cover letter;
- CV and biographies of independent consultant/consulting firm and key assessment team members (if any);
- References for each evaluation team member or the firm;
- An example of a recent evaluation report.
- Proof of registration of the consultant/ consultancy firm