Hand in Hand Eastern Africa
Value Chains Analysis and Market Research for the Lind Invest 2 project in Eldoret, Uasin Gishu County.
TOR Reference Number: HIHEA/01-2023/OP
Type of Contract: Consultancy
Type of Selection: Firm Selection Only
Duration of the Contract: 1 ½ months
Proposals submission closes on: 3rd February 2023
Organization Background
Hand in Hand Eastern Africa (HiH EA) is a registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Kenya with a mandate to operate within the Eastern Africa region. It is a member of the Hand in Hand Global Network that comprises affiliated organizations that mutually pursue the shared goal of poverty alleviation by supporting poorer communities to create sustainable jobs and enterprises.
The organization started operations in Kenya in October 2010 and is currently operating in 25 Field offices within 33 out of 47 Counties in Kenya
Background to the Project:
Hand in Hand EA in collaboration with Hand in Hand Sweden has been implementing a 3 year project (Lind Invest 1 project) with a goal of improving the social and economic well-being of 10,000 residents of Eldoret. This has been achieved by diversifying livelihoods and income for 2500 direct program beneficiaries through sustainable entrepreneurship.
Through the results achieved under the ongoing Lind Invest 1 project we have identified opportunities for further growth among the farmers we have been working with. We have therefore commissioned the Lind Invest 2 project focusing on improving the social and economic well-being of the residents in Uasin Gishu and Elgeyo Marakwet Counties targeting 3600 new members and an additional 650 members (Accelerator cohort) who have benefited from the current Lind Invest 1 project, to further increase their income through personalized entrepreneurial training on an individual basis.
Our ambition is to demonstrate that given the right training, capital and inputs, Hand in Hand members can shift from subsistence farming to a new level by managing sustainable, small enterprises. By integrating entrepreneurs into high potential value chains we can achieve higher productivity through economies of scale, accessing larger clients and influencing government decisions.
Through the Lind Invest 2 project, we will diversify and increase our members’ enterprise incomes as well as enhance their micro-enterprises via value addition skills, market and financial linkages. The project timeframe is to run from January 2023 until December 2026.
The project is being implemented using the Hand in Hand intervention 4-Step approach which outlines four steps that programme participants go through and the services they receive during each of those steps.
•Group formation
•Savings mobilisation
•Development of networks who support each other
•Business & financial training
•Vocational training
•Climate resilience practices
•Ongoing support to members to grow enterprises
•Support on eco-enterprises
•Access to credit
•E.g. Enterprise incubation funds
•Local credit providers
•Connect with value chains
•Support product/service competitiveness
•Link to producer/service groups
Purpose of the Assignment
The purpose of the assignment is to carry out a value chain analysis to map as well as prioritize the top most viable value chains in Uasin Gishu. The assignment will also involve a market analysis/research of the identified & top ranked value chains. The aim of market analysis is identify market actors and their roles, opportunities, bottlenecks regarding the market potential for the top ranked value chains in Uasin Gishu.
This will help Hand in Hand to offer the necessary tools and support to our entrepreneurs that will help them expand their businesses, reach larger markets, become more resilient, and create jobs within their communities and thrive local businesses and economies.
Key Activities
This is a comprehensive assignment covering 2 main areas of work, all of which will be led by the consultant(s) with significant input and oversight from Hand in Hand. Each area of work is detailed below.
1. Value Chains Analysis
We require the consultant/s to undertake a value chains analysis that achieves the following with specific reference to Uasin Gishu County.
- Identifies the 2 to 3 value chains with the highest potential and viability.
- Brings out comparative and competitive advantages along the prioritised value chains clearly identifying gaps/constraints to be addressed. A gender lens must be employed in this deliverable, given the organisation’s focus on training women specifically.
- Recommends leverage points along the selected value chains and activities that can have potential in strengthening their effectiveness and efficiency, in response to the identified gaps/constraints.
- Maps out the potential value chain actors specifying their roles along the prioritised value chains.
- Identifies local and national policy issues that impact the selected value chains.
- Incorporates the expressed experiences from a sample of Hand in Hand Lind Invest 1 beneficiaries through interviews, ascertaining:
- Their interest in an upscale project.
- The value chains they would prioritise working within.
- Their existing levels of engagement in these value chains.
- Their turnover from working within these value chains.
- Their income levels.
- Their knowledge gaps and difficulties experiences within these value chains.
2. Market Research/Analysis
From the top most ranked value chains that will have been identified, the consultant will further be required to do a market research/analysis to identify the opportunities and challenges to marketability of products and services along the prioritized value chains. This will help in guiding the target members (beneficiaries) to position themselves in the most profitable and viable nodes of the identified/prioritized value chains with focus on local, regional and national markets within the country and possibly the export market.
The market analysis/research will help HiH EA and her members to better understand the current market dynamics, key demand drivers for the selected value chains and how well placed are the members along the value chains is to address them.
The findings, recommendations and conclusions of the research will help pick issues that the LIND INVEST 2 project should address together with the target community as well as stakeholders in increasing productivity and enterprise profitability along those selected value chains.
Key outputs from the market research will be:
- To know who the major buyers are and what they require from producers.
- Constraints and challenges in the market
- How well placed are Value chain actors in the market to respond to demand, and what is preventing them from doing higher volumes of Production
- A good understanding of what business support services, Value chain actors need to work effectively.
- To validate the identified market opportunity within the value chains proposed and determine which products and clients the programme should work with.
- Describe the opportunities in the value chain that would help small farmers reach the identified markets.
- Determine the target group’s strengths and constraints in reaching the identified market.
- Identify key actors in each node of the value chain at local, county and national level.
- Establish these actors’ level of processing in the value chain, and their quality and quantity requirements.
- Draw a value chain map for each value chain identifying current market opportunities, market structure, and where Hand in Hand members fit into the market.
- Possibly suggest other still viable value chains or supporting services that the members may find business opportunities in.
- Inception report explicitly detailing how the assignment will be contacted (either clear methodology, work plan, tools, target respondents)
- Values chain analysis report (3 hard and soft copies. Soft copies of analyzed data and filled data sheets/tools shall also be handed in).
- Market opportunities identification.
- Marketing Skills: sales channels, clients, pricing, seasonality, contract negotiation, etc. - Identification of supply, demand, and gaps in the local business development services. - Production skills: agricultural/technical best practices specific to the identified value chains. - Market chain analysis. - Financial management skills including accounting, loan management. Understanding typical costs and drivers of profitability.
- **Market Research report (**Soft copies of analyzed data and raw data sheets/tools shall also be handed in).
Profile of Consultants/Consultancy Firm:
We expect the consultant/s to demonstrate the skills and experience outlined below:
- Lead consultant be an Agricultural Economist preference, Agribusiness specialist or related with at least 7 years' experience working in agricultural marketing development and value chain of agriculture commodities.
- Excellent track record conducting detailed value chain analysis/market research, including designing a methodology, collecting data, providing detailed analyses and delivering actionable, practicable recommendations.
- Experience providing research for designing value chain or private sector development projects would be an advantage.
- Strong track record conducting value chain and market analysis in Kenya.
- Detailed knowledge of participatory market systems development approaches.
- Track record of working on projects targeting grassroots entrepreneurs and enterprises, Self-Help Groups, and financial institutions.
- Demonstrated experience of successfully developing training approaches (curricula, training materials and practical capacity building) for value chain focused programmes.
- Proven experience of working alongside international and national teams within civil society organisations; NGOs, academic institutions, social enterprises, etc.
- Capacities with electronic data collection will be favorably considered.
- Fluency in verbal and written English and Kiswahili.
How to apply
Please send a detailed proposal to procurement@handinhandea.org by 12:00pm February 3rd 2023, including the following:
- A short outline of evaluation approach, research design and methodology.
- A proposed process and time frame for the 2 activities outlined, setting out the phases, resources and time required for each.
- The anticipated challenges and dependencies affecting the implementation of the activities and how these should be addressed both by the consultant, by HIH EA.
- A summary of the skills and experience of the consultant together with her/his CV showing relevant previous assignments and clients.
- A detailed fee quote and rationale and an estimate for the costs of other resources.
Budget and Payment
The application shall provide a detailed budget summary outlining fees and expenses. The terms of payment will be negotiated with the firm upon signing of the contract.