The Coalition on Violence Against Women (COVAW) is a national non-profit women’s rights organization that was established in 1995 to respond to the silence of the Kenyan society in addressing Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). Currently, COVAW focuses on five strategic areas as informed by its Strategic Plan 2018-2023, namely Access to Comprehensive SRHR and SGBV services, Access to Justice, Women’s Economic Empowerment, Women’s Leadership Development and Institutional Development outlined in COVAW Strategic Plan 2018-2023:
COVAW’s vision is a society where women and girls enjoy equal rights, freedoms and thrive in safe spaces. COVAW’s mission is to champion the rights of women and girls to be free from all forms of violence. COVAW is guided by its core values of respect, integrity, solidarity and commitment in improving the lives of its primary beneficiaries - women and girls.
Project Description
COVAW with support from Human Dignity Foundation is implementing a 3-year project (February 2020 - April 2023). ‘Accelerating the end of FGC in Kenyan Maasai and Samburu communities’ project is focused on reducing FGC prevalence across all 6 sub-counties in Narok through a combination of approaches including community dialogue forums engaging the whole community on discussions about how FGC can end, school club sessions, capacity building of community workforce who have been resourceful as mobilizers and key influencers, complemented by radio shows to raise awareness of FGC. The project consortium partners- COVAW, Orchid Project and SAFE Maa- committed to reducing FGC prevalence rates within the Maasai and Samburu communities by 10-19% by April 2023.
The project is being implemented in Narok County across 18 project sites namely Narok South- Ololulunga, Olmekenyu, Naroosora; Narok West- Sekenani, Naikarra, Olkinyei; Narok North- Olchoro, Olokurto, Kisiriri; Narok East- Mosiro, Nkinye, Enoosupukia; Transmara East- Kurangurik, Ilkerin, Kapsasian; and Transmara West- Shankoe, Keyian, Lolgorian
Project objectives
The project aims at contributing to a measurable reduction in FGC prevalence by 10-19% over three years within Kenyan Maasai and Samburu communities informed by the following short-term and long-term objectives:
Long term outcomes:
Outcome 1: FGC is no longer perceived as essential part of culture
Outcome 2: Enabling environment supporting FGC abandonment
Outcome 3: Women and girls have increased status within the community, outside of marriage and motherhood
Short term outcomes:
Outcome 1: Community members and key stakeholders understand their human rights and the effects of FGC
Outcome 2: Key stakeholders take action to end the practice of FGC at community level
Outcome 3: Alternative options to end FGC exists for communities to choose
Outcome 4: Increased understanding of FGC, human rights and the law amongst key stakeholders
Outcome 5: Increased collaboration between civil society organizations/key stakeholders towards ending FGC
Outcome 6: Increased visibility of change towards FGC in the community
Outcome 7: Girls have increased agency in decision making on their rights
Purpose of The Consultancy
The purpose of the consultancy is to conduct Focus Group Discussions to assess the impact of the project on accelerating the end of FGC in the communities in Narok County and use the research findings to develop a report on the influence of the project activities to the community since its inception.
COVAW’s efforts in reaching out to the communities in Narok County in the six Sub counties has been ongoing for the past 6 years through various anti-FGC initiatives right from the community level to the county and at national level. Communities that practice Female Genital Cutting strongly believe that the cut increases the marriageability of a girl and it’s a way of controlling women & girls sexuality. Once a girl undergoes the cut, she automatically becomes a mature woman ready to be married off and bear children. As a result of this, FGM has continued to cut short the future of many girls. Communities that support cutting of girls also wrongly believe that their culture value is under threat hence ensuring they hold onto the cutting for cultural fulfillment. The national prevalence has shown a decline form 27% in 2014 to 15% in 2022. (KDHS 2022). The FGDs will assist in capturing the qualitative aspects of change of knowledge, attitudes, perceptions and practice at community level, informed by the following objectives:
- To increase the visibility of change towards FGC in the community*.*
- To influence action by key stakeholders to end the practice of FGC at community level.
- To increase understanding of FGC, human rights and the law amongst key stakeholders.
- To have an increased agency of girls in decision making on their rights.
- To increase understanding of human rights and the effects of FGC of the community members and key stakeholders
- To provide alternative options to end FGC for communities to choose
- To increase collaboration between civil society organizations/key stakeholders towards ending FGC
The FGD discussions are anticipated to take a maximum of 10 days:
- Start- 4th April 2023
- End- 17th April 2023
Specific timelines will be agreed upon with the successful consultant.
Skills and Qualifications of Consultant
Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences, Human Rights, Research, or related field**.**
Required Experiences and Skills
- At least 5 years’ experience in dealing with conducting research/surveys, human rights/SGBV issues.
- Good understanding of SGBV, FGM/C, Human Rights and Social norms.
- Proven research and report writing skills, photography and facilitation experience.
- High level of professionalism and ethics, including knowledge and experience in safeguarding and child protection.
How to apply
Interested consultants/firms must submit the following documents:
- Technical proposal which must include the following:
- Proposed program and methodology to be used for the research not more than 5 pages
- Consultants past experience in thematic area, supported by hard or soft copies of relevant reports.
- Financial proposal (budget) in MS Excel in Kenya Shillings.
- CV of applicant with contact details for 3 referees; if applicant intends to work in a team, she/he should indicate all team members and attach CVs. Clearly highlight the Team leader.
- Two soft copy samples of previous related work undertaken.
All documents must be submitted not later than 5.00pm, Monday 27th March 2023 via email to with subject: ‘Facilitating FGDs for Project Impact Assessment -Narok County.’