Background information

DRC has been operational in Kenya since 2005 and is one of the United Nations Refugee Agency’s (UNHCR) largest Implementing Partners in the refugee response. DRC is present in Garissa (Dadaab & Garissa), Turkana (Kakuma, Kalobeyei & Lodwar), Nairobi and Mandera counties.

In Garissa county, DRC is implementing livelihoods, protection and gender-based violence (GBV) programming in the refugee camps as well as economic recovery interventions in the host communities affected by climatic change related disasters.

In 2023 DRC with funding from Water Sector Trust Fund and co-financing from Garissa County government has expanded the humanitarian aid portfolio and intend to rehabilitate strategic boreholes in livestock concentration areas, drill a borehole in Ifo refugee camp, conduct public health promotion interventions as well support the local community in developing sustainable and climate-adapted agriculture, pasture production and water resource management related interventions to secure water catchment area.


The main objective of the consultancy service is to undertake

  1. Selection of a suitable site for proposed 50,000 m3 water pan construction.
  2. Carry out detailed topographical survey to aid design of the waterpan as well as development BoQs for 50,000 m3 water pan..
  3. Conduct Environmental and social impact assessment for the Water pan as required by the Environmental Management and Coordination Act of 1999 and Environmental impact and audit regulations of 2003.

Scope of Consultancy

Topographical survey, hydrological study and engineering design development

The design team shall undertake the following:

  1. Delineate, identify, and establish the villages to benefit from the proposed water project with clear population data.
  2. Determine where to locate the infrastructure and other related structures with soil analysis and other tests as required for Water pans siting.
  3. Establish rainfall and hydrological data for design of the structure
  4. To conduct topographical survey of the proposed Water pans with clear accurate contour points picked and plotted.
  5. Prepare engineering design report and drawings, which include all proposed components (for the structure, cattle troughs, communal drawing points etc.)
  6. To prepare bills of quantities (BOQs) and drawings and other tender documents to be used to tender the works
  7. To prepare resultant scheme layout
  8. Prepare section within the design report project sustainability which should include expected O&M cost.
  9. Obtain Water Resources Authority (WRA) permit to construct the water pan at the identified location.

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment study (ESIA)

The consultant will be required to do the following:

  1. Provide a brief description of the proposed project, including the general design and extent of construction work.
  2. Describe the nature and location of the project in terms of its biophysical characteristics as well as its surrounding land uses including a description of those features of the project and its structures that will have potentially negative environmental impacts.
  3. Describe the current socio-economic environment of the project area and highlight constraint and opportunities.
  4. Identify and point out potential environmental effects associated with the proposed project, focusing on both the positive and negative effects as well as effects to the biophysical, social, economic, heritage and cultural components of the environment as well as assess public perception of the proposed developments
  5. The potential impacts must relate to:
    1. Project location
    2. Project target beneficiaries
    3. Project design
    4. Construction works
    5. Project operation
  6. Prepare an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) by which all mitigation/enhancement measures will be carried out, the costing and schedule for implementation during the construction and the operation of the project including any capacity building measures for effective implementation of the EMP.
  7. Prepare an Environmental Monitoring Plan indicating the parameters to be monitored and indicators of performance.
  8. Submit to NEMA for approval and licensing

Stakeholder Group

The following groups will have an interest in the exercise:

  1. National government administration
  2. Water Fund
  3. County Government – Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Ministry of Public Health and sanitation, Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.
  4. DRC Kenya
  5. Religious and Peace committees
  6. Provincial Administration
  7. Water Resources Authority
  8. NEMA
  9. School Management Committees
  10. Water user committees

Purpose of the Topographical survey

  1. To assess the suitability of the proposed sites for construction of the water pan, carry out topographic survey of the same and include in the topographic survey map the following; water pans name, total volume of earth works, pan storage volume, District, location, designer / engineer, client and dates of survey and design.

  2. Water demand in consideration of number of months for support and loses (evaporation and seepage)

  3. To generate a topographic sheet (Map) at an appropriate scale, clearly outlining Sheet No. Grid reference and contours (at 1.0 to 2.0 meters intervals for the reservoir area and 0.5 to 1.0 meters for the pan and spillway areas) of the proposed area under consideration for construction of the water pan.

  4. To establish not less than four concrete bench marks, two of these bench marks indicating the pan axis alignment, located at a horizontal distance of at least 10 (ten) meters from the upper contour level.

  5. To provide essential site information relating to the catchment area and pan site in question that includes;

    1. Catchment area (km2).
    2. Maximum attitude (m)
    3. Altitude at water pan site (m)
    4. Mean annual rainfall (mm)
    5. Mean annual run-off (mm3)
    6. Mean annual evaporation (mm)
  6. In the context of maximum altititude above, to establish spot heights clustered within the area under consideration for construction of water pan at a grid of 5x5 m

  7. From the contour map, to clearly indicate the direction of ground slope for purposes of establishing water pan components such as but not limited to; embankment, the tail race and the positioning of the spillway and any other auxiliary structures as may result.

  8. Reservoir: To establish existing reservoir characteristics (if any) and those be realized after excavation with regard to;

  9. Impounded area (M2)

  10. Storage capacity (M3), dead storage volume (m3) and net storage volume (m3).

  11. Expected Annual evaporation (m3)

  12. Geotechnical assessments of the proposed site

  13. Embankment: To design and avail projected details of the embankment after construction that include;

  14. Height above lowest foundation (m).

  15. Gross and net free boards (m).

  16. Embankment slopes; both upstream and down stream

  17. Core slopes

  18. Total fill volume (m3)

  19. Foundation / core trench excavation volume (m3)

  20. Spillway: To design and represent on the topographic map detailed design drawings of spillway that include;

  21. Slope (s)

  22. Width (m)

  23. Total length (m)

  24. Design capacity (m3/s)

  25. Inclusion of sills, their sizes, and location along the spillway length

  26. Volume of spillway exaction (m3)

  27. To design and represent on the topo sheet the proposed water pan of maximum volume of earth works, with storage of 50,000 m3 (minimum based on the water demand and design support period) showing all the components of a pan including but not limited to the following;

  28. Linear dimensions of the pan

  29. The volume of earthworks to be excavated so as to achieve a volume of water storage of approximately 50,000m3

  30. The embankment height

  31. The gross free board

  32. The spill way depth, width, length and slope

  33. The silt trap, rip rap and configuration of surface run -off channel (non-erosive and non-sediment inlet channels 2 no.

  34. Filtration gallery with a pipe to the off-take shallow well and animal trough

  35. The location of an offtake shallow well

  36. Fence enclosure – adequate number and size to avoid vandalism if entry is limiting.

  37. Animal access ramps

  38. How soil erosion will be controlled

  39. To develop the water pan detailed drawings (reference drawings) showing all the necessary sections including but not limited to;

  40. Longitudinal section of the earth pan) showing water pan crest height in relation to reservoir mean depth, the silt trap, the surface run-off inlet channel and the associated protection works

  41. Transverse sectional views of the water pan along the embankment in relation to the spillway, free board and off take structures alongside all necessary details that we aid in construction process.

  42. Provide the design report.

  43. Plan view of the earth pan

  44. BOQ and drawings for cattle trough and all auxiliaries inclusive access ramps and fence.


The outputs should be on a suitable scale, line profiles, and survey data. The data will be delivered in both hardcopy and softcopy (survey data, pipeline profiles, and maps). This information should be validated in a workshop and approved by the county government All reports shall be in the English language and prepared on A4 metric size paper. The following reports shall be prepared and submitted for comments or approval by DRC supply chain and WASH technical team.

Inception Report:

This report shall comprise of a brief of the project, description of baseline information and project overview including summary of the initial perception or findings. The consultant shall further give defined proposals covering the methodologies of the detailed hydraulic design and the detailed work program of all major activities of the assignment – 5 copies and a digital copy to Client.

Draft Design Report:

This report shall summarize the findings, analysis, results, and recommendations of the assessment including consultative public participation and shall contain all supporting material. The Reports shall be presented to the stakeholders for review, inputs and contributions - 3 Copies for each project and a digital copy to Client.

Final Design Report:

This report shall incorporate all revisions and comments proposed by DRC following discussions and agreement between DRC and the consultant. Comments of stakeholders shall be considered in the final report - Original, 3 copies, and a digital copy to client alongside those required by WRA for permit processing.

Time Frame

The assignment is expected to last 15 days and the time estimates for the various components are as follows:

  • Survey and detailed design– 7 days
  • Presentations and final reporting – 3 days
  • Submission of documents and acquisition of WRA permits – 5 Days

The above stated durations are to be understood as guidance and it is the responsibility of the consultant to establish a detailed work program within the above time estimates. The estimated staff time inputs should be provided in accordance with the consultant’s professional judgment and knowledge of the local conditions and needs.

The consultant is requested be available for technical support, undertake field visits etc., during implementation if required to respond to design queries, if any, after the completion of the assignment. If design queries cannot be sufficiently clarified through phone or email, the Consultant will be required to come in person and any expense incurred in the process shall be borne by the Consultant during the whole implementation period.


The consultant to indicate all expenses that DRC will be required to incur in the process including consultancy fee as early quoted.

Note: Payment will be processed on batches and last payment will be made upon submission of WRA permit alongside delivering on the other output areas.

Qualification and Experience

  1. A holder of Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Water Supply /Civil Engineering with expertise in Water projects. Attach CV and registration documents with Engineers board of Kenya.
  2. Attach Certificates of registration and practicing license for the individual experts from EBK.
  3. Valid Tax compliance certificate (will be verified on KRA portal), KRA pin must also be attached.
  4. A minimum of 5 years’ experience in: undertaking feasibility assessments for water supplies, planning and designing of surface water infrastructure in situations and contexts similar to ASALs.
  5. The consultant shall present a list of similar previous work done with references.
  6. The consultant must possess necessary resources to undertake works of such a magnitude including equipment (this will be inspected before signing of contract), personnel etc. Should have in-house professional experts to incorporate in the exercise.
  7. Provide CV of professional team and lead consultant (Engineer(s) including social scientist.
  8. Should be flexible working in vast ASAL areas
  9. Experience working in Garissa County added advantage
  10. Prove of financial capacity (provide for 6 months bank statement or 3 years audited financial reports -2020 to 2022)
  11. Business permit
  12. Business registration certificate of incorporation

Documents to be Reviewed

The consultant shall be require reviewing but not limited to the following relevant documents in line with this study;

  • Topographical maps of the area
  • Water Act 2016
  • Garissa county water act
  • County annual development plan (CADP)

Scope of Environmental Assessment

The ESIA report will be prepared in accordance with the requirements prescribed under the Environmental management and coordination Act of 1999 and the Environmental Impact and Audit Regulations of 2003 and any other relevant law which may apply to the Project.

The EIA report will:

  1. Assist the community and partners understand the environmental and socioeconomic consequences of the Project’s implementation and operation and will also assist DRC in its decision-making process;
  2. Address: project impacts, including cumulative effects; mitigation options; as appropriate for the various types of impacts in terms magnitude, frequency, duration, seasonal timing, reversibility, and geographic extent

Discuss possible measures to prevent or mitigate impacts; assist in the monitoring of environmental protection measures.

The EIA/ESIA report will:

  1. Provide a summary of the results of the ESIA report including:
  2. The project components and development activities which have the potential to affect the environment;
  3. Existing conditions in the study areas, including existing uses of lands, waterways, and resources and other activities, which have potential in combination with proposed project, to affect the environment;
  4. The environmental effects which are anticipated;
  5. Proposed environmental management plan(s) (EMP), mitigation measures and monitoring with implementation costing;
  6. The effects of the environment on the project
  7. Identify the environmental, cultural, and socio-economic impacts of the project. As appropriate, impact significance be explained in terms of direction, magnitude, frequency, duration, seasonal timing, reversibility, geographic extent, and uncertainty. Where possible, predictions are to be quantified
  8. Discuss the key environmental issues of the project important for the achievement of sustainable environmental and resource management. Differentiate between issues with important environmental consequences and issues that can be mitigated through existing management approaches. Describe how ongoing uncertainties and emerging issues will be addressed
  9. Based on the investigations, develop a mitigation matrix outlining mitigation measures for all potential negative environmental impacts including, but not limited to, construction activities, habitat alteration and erosion control.
  10. Provide a detailed monitoring plan to be implemented for the entire operation, identifying any agency/body responsible for its implementation and any training that may be necessary for the implementation of the plan.
  11. Describe the pertinent regulations, standards and policies, at the local and national level governing environmental quality, health and safety, protection of sensitive areas, including cultural resources, protection of endangered or threatened species, infrastructure development, land use control and tourism that may have an impact on the proposed project. Provide and discuss policy, legal or administrative issues as they relate to this proposed project.

Expected Key Contents of the ESIA Report

3.2.1 The report should be prepared per NEMA Guidelines; should include but not limited to:

Project Description and Justification

The first part of this section shall present the study area and summarize the proposed project activities. The second part shall briefly justify the project: purpose and needs to be fulfilled by the project. Figures and maps, if necessary, shall be incorporated to facilitate the comprehension of the project.

Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework

This chapter summarizes the policy, legal and administrative framework within which the ESIA was carried out, including the relevant environmental and social requirements. Also, it identifies relevant international environmental/social agreements that may be related to the project.

Description of the Project Environment

This section shall provide a brief description of the main physiographical and natural conditions, biological and human (social, cultural and economic) conditions prevailing in the study area.

Project Alternatives

This section shall present and analyze the various alternatives considered to reach the project’s objectives, including the “no action” option. Alternatives shall be compared in terms of their technical, economic, environmental and social feasibility, including public concerns.

Identification, Analysis and assessment of Potential Impacts and Mitigation/Enhancement Measures

The first part of this section shall present the analysis of beneficial and adverse impacts of the selected project alternative on the biophysical and human (social, cultural and economic) environments. Environmental and social significant impacts and their importance shall be summarized and irreversible or unavoidable impacts shall be clearly identified. The analysis shall cover anticipated impacts during the construction and operation phases.

Environmental and social impact mitigation plan: The second part shall identify: and briefly describe the enhancement and mitigation measures proposed to enhance benefits or prevent, minimize, mitigate or compensate for adverse impacts.

Monitoring Program

This section shall summarize the surveillance and monitoring activities proposed in the Environmental Management Plan prepared for the project.

Public Consultations and Public Disclosure

This section shall outline the actions undertaken to consult the affected groups and other concerned key stakeholders including Civil Society Organizations.

It shall include the invitations made to the relevant stakeholders and signed minutes or feedback documents by the concerned stakeholders. It shall also present major findings and outcomes of public consultations and specify how concerns were addressed.


The conclusion shall indicate the environmental and social acceptability of the project, considering the impacts and measures identified during the assessment process.


Shall include

  • List of names of the ESIA team
  • Records and/or minutes of public consultations
  • Data used during the analysis
  • Terms of reference of this ESIA
  • Photographs, maps and plans as appropriate.

Qualifications and Experience

The consultancy personnel shall comprise of a person or team of experts survey and design of water pans and in ESIA.

The following qualifications are required:

  1. For ESIA the firm or proprietor should demonstrate proven technical and field experience of consultancy with at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Environment or related qualification.
  2. Attach Certificates of registration and current practicing license for the individual expert(s)/ firm from NEMA.
  3. A minimum of 5 years’ experience in preparation of ESIA reports for water projects. Should have in-house professional experts to incorporate in the exercise. Provide CV of professional team and lead experts
  4. Should have completed at least 3 similar successful consultancy contracts either with a credible organization, preferably an organization with establishments in Kenya
  5. The consultant must possess necessary resources to undertake works of such a magnitude including equipment (this will be inspected before signing of contract), personnel etc.
  6. Excellent English speaking and writing skills
  7. Valid Tax compliance certificate must be attached (Confirmation will be done at KRA portal)
  8. Should be flexible working in vast ASAL areas
  9. Experience working in Garissa County added advantage
  10. Prove of financial capacity (provide 6 months bank statement or 3 years audited financial reports -2020 to 2022.
  11. Registration certificates of incorporation
  12. Business permit


How to apply

Both Technical and Financial proposals should be submitted together in one envelope clearly marked “CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY, DESIGN AND ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (ESIA)’’ and addressed to;

The Procurement Unit

DRC East Africa & Great Lakes Region

Lower Kabete Road (Ngecha road Junction)

P.O. Box 14762-00800 Westlands

Nairobi, Kenya

so as to be received on or before 8th May 2023 AT 1700hrs EAT

Tender prices must remain valid for 90 days from the date of tender closing.

On the set date for opening, all appropriately labelled tenders will be opened virtually in the presence of bidders or their representatives (should they choose to attend) and checked for compliance (both technical and financial proposals submitted) and accepted bids will be announced publicly. The financial proposals will be opened at a later stage after the preliminary and technical evaluation.

Note: The bidders should state the bid amounts in the submission letter so that they will be read out and recorded individually.