Call for Proposals: Evaluation Trainer
Position Summary
GNP+ is part of the Love Alliance, which works to improve the health and rights of KPs including sex workers, people who usedrugs, LGBTIQ+ people and people living with HIV in Africa. The alliance brings together organisations led by communities most affected by HIV and AIDS. From across Africa thought leaders (GALZ, SANPUD, Sisonke), grant-makers (UHAIEASHRI, ARASA, ISDAO, GNP+) and administrative lead, Aidsfonds, have joined forces. Together, the alliance works towards a significant reduction in HIV incidence by influencing policies, organising communities and raising awareness of rights and health in ten countries. The partnership (2021 – 2025) is active in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Morocco and at the global and regional levels.
1. The Love Alliance Goals:
Goal 1 | Capable, inclusive, influential, and mutually supportive key population, Movements in an unrestricted civic space. |
Goal 2 | An end to sexual, gender-based violence, stigma and discrimination against key populations. |
Goal 3 | Equal access to inclusive, people-centred, accountable, integrated HIV and comprehensive sexual right and health services. |
2. Objectives of the Consultancy:
Co-design and develop a practical training programme in grant evaluation, providing the main concepts and tools for GNP’s eligible partner representatives, and members of its Regional Grants Committee (RGC) to apply for a peer evaluation exercise of eligible proposals received from applicants based/working in Egypt and Morocco, and sub-regionally.
3. Specific Objectives of the Consultancy:
3.1. To co-design the grant evaluation approach, GNP+ aims to base the evaluation around ODA standard criteria - the consultant is expected to support the development of the evaluation process, including but not limited to the (1) Question formulation; (2) Scoring system; (3) Scoring evaluation, and (4) Quality checking.
3.2. To develop and facilitate (in Arabic, French and English) four online training sessions for eligible partner representatives and RGC members. GNP+ aims to provide certificates of attendance to participants of the workshop, the consultant will co-sign the certificates of participation.
4. Main activities of the consultancy:
4.1. Inception meeting with the Love Alliance team at GNP+ to learn about the objectives of the programme and the participatory grant-making process under which the evaluation training will be implemented. Outputs: (1) Approved approach for integrating ODA standard evaluation criteria into the Love Alliance programme evaluation process. (2) An agreed-upon overview of training structure and content.
4.2. Development of the training agenda and materials, including PowerPoint presentations and practical exercises.
4.3. Facilitate four training sessions (Two sessions for Peers - one in English and another in Arabic; Two sessions for RGC members - one in English and another in Arabic); GNP+ will organise Frenchinterpretation where necessary. A cheat sheet is required among deliverables for fast and easy access to the main information regarding scoring criteria for participants to keep on hand refer to during their respective exercises.
4.4. Develop and submit a final report of the training programme, including all material in English, Arabic and French; conclusions and recommendations to strengthen the abilities of the training participants, recommendations and key takeaways for further strengthen the approach for the coming cycle.
5. Main Purpose of the consultancy
At the end of the design component, the proposal evaluation approach will e agreed upon and approved for the development of training material and other relevant process documentation.
At the end of the training, eligible partner organisation representatives, and Regional Grant Committee (RGC) members will have a better understanding the evaluation process, ODA standard evaluation criteria, and how to evaluate the proposals for their respective exercises. During the training, the expert must explain carefully and provide examples of the evaluation criteria and means of verification.
Trainees should understand how the identified evaluation questions can be used to measure the overall proposals, and how each included criterium is viewed and evaluated, trainees will be expected to provide written justification for their scoring and must be able to provide clear justification for each evaluation point, building on takeaways from the provided training sessions.
6. Duration and Content of Training
The Proposed dates for the training sessions are, the 21st and 22nd od June 2023, two sessions per day. The four sessions will take place in four online sessions of up to three hours each of theoretical and practical exercises. The sessions aim to engage the participants through interactive formats.
The main components of the training will include, but are not limited to:
- What is proposal evaluation
- ODA standard evaluation criteria
- Guidelines to evaluate each criterium
- How to justify grading for each criterium (date quality and use)
- Practical exercises (examples)
The consultant(s) will conduct the above-detailed scope of work from their place of residence through an online platform.
8. Budget
The total available budget for the above-detailed scope of work is €5,000.
- 40% of the payment will be disbursed at the signature of the Letter of Agreement.
- 40% of the payment will be disbursed after the delivery of the four training sessions.
- 20% of the payment will be disbursed at the submission and approval of the final training report.
Item | Duration | Date | Output |
Inception session with GNP+ | 3 hours | The week of May 15th, 2023 | Agreed-upon approach forthe evaluation process |
Submission of workshop content outline | - | May 26th, 2023 | Approved training skeleton |
Development and submission of the training material draft 1 | - | June 6th, 2023 | Powerpoint presentationsin EN/AR/FR; the cheatsheet; practical exercises material |
Integrate feedback into training material and submit it to GNP+ | - | June 9th, 2023 | Revised material |
Finalise with GNP as necessary – Prep meeting, mock training | 3 hours | June 13th , 2023 | Approved training content |
Translation of all trainingcontent to AR and FR | - | June 19th, 2023 | All translated material |
Training Delivery | Up to 12 hours | June 21st and 22nd, 2023 | Training delivered |
Development and submission of the final training report | - | June 30th ,2023 | All training materials and recommendations for improvement |
Your profile
- Evaluation professional
- Minimum five years of professional experience related to proposal evaluation and/or grant-making in regional/international organisations.
- Proven experience in providing evaluation training at the national, regional or international level.
- Work experience with Key Population communities in the MENA Region.
- Strong English, Arabic and French proficiency
- Availability to provide the training online for Moroccan and Egyptian representatives.
- Availability to provide strong rationale and responses to any questions that the trainees may have in regard to the exercise or concepts provided during the training sessions.
How to Apply
About us
We are the Global
Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+), a network for people living
with HIV, run by people living with HIV. We engage with and support
national and regional networks of people living with HIV, and this
ensures that our global work is grounded in their local experiences and
priorities. The meaningful involvement of people living with HIV is at
the heart of all that we do.
We work with communities
that are both geographic and identity-based. We are not a membership
organization; we are a network of interconnected individuals and
organizations that is open to all.
We build broad partnerships
with individuals, organizations and institutions to increase our
influence. Using the power of evidence-based advocacy, we challenge
governments and global leaders to improve access to quality HIV
prevention, treatment, care and support services.
Our Vision:
world where all people living with HIV are free from stigma and
discrimination to have our rights recognized, our dignity respected and
have universal access to treatment and care.
Our Mission:
To improve the quality of life for people living with HIV, in all our diversity.
How We Began:
Living with HIV came tighter for their first conference in 1986. Since
then, regular conferences have taken place, giving our community an
opportunity to share information and develop ideas for joint activism.
Over time, our discussions led to the development of programmes to
tackle the HIV epidemic. By 1992, it was clear that we needed an
organisation to take on this programme work, and GNP+ was born. Today,
GNP+ has staff based in offices in Amsterdam and Cape Town, plus a few
in other parts of the world, all working together with a network of
partners, allies and supporters to deliver global advocacy programmes.