Coalition on Violence Against Women
Terms of Reference for a Study on the Impact of Climate Change on Pastoralist Communities
About Coalition on Violence Against Women (COVAW)
The Coalition on Violence Against Women(COVAW) is an organization that is focused on influencing sustained engagement on violations conducted against women and girls in Kenya, with emphasis on Gender Based Violence. COVAW’s envisions a society where women and girls enjoy equal rights, freedoms and thrive in safe spaces. In doing so, we focus on 5 Key areas of Access to Justice, Access to Comprehensive GBV and SRHR services, Women in Economic Empowerment, Women’s Leadership Development and Institutional Development.
COVAW’s interventions deliberately address norms, attitudes, laws, policies and practices that affect women and girls’ safety and wellbeing in general. This is done through implementation of gender progressive practices and supporting the development of regulatory and institutional frameworks. Additionally, COVAW fosters consistent engagement with different actors to prevent and respond to VAWG and to hold perpetrators of these violations accountable.
COVAW is guided by its core values of respect, integrity, solidarity and commitment in improving the lives of its primary beneficiaries - women and girls. View COVAW strategic plan from here
- Project Description
COVAW with support from Urgent Action Fund is implementing a rapid response project to advocate for climate justice as a mitigation for Sexual, and Gender Based Violence (SGBV). Climate change and SGBV are interconnected since climate change increases the risk of SGBV. Women and girls are more susceptible to physical, sexual, and psychological violence during emergencies, especially disasters. In areas where COVAW works like in Narok and Nairobi counties, sexual violence, dropping out of school, forced marriages, FGM and child trafficking increase during such times. Key gaps that COVAW seeks to address through the proposed project include:
• SGBV during climate crisis with a special focus on sexual harassment and abuse especially at water points.
• Limited data on the impact of climate change on pastoralist women
• Lack of participation of women with intersecting identities in climate justice decision-making processes.
- Purpose of The Consultancy
The purpose of the consultancy is to conduct an intersectional analysis of the impact of climate change on pastoralist girls and women. Intersectionality is an important concept for understanding the different layers of oppression that people may experience based on their gender, ableism, ethnicity, language, age and geographic location.
- Background
According to research by World Bank , women and girls are up to 14 times more likely to be harmed during a crisis. Climate-related disasters amplify gender inequities, rendering those who survive more prone to GBV, even after life returns to normal for others. Women are more likely to be forced into sexual exploitation in return for products or services during drought. According to UNICEF, women and girls in East Africa are more exposed to sexual violence because they must travel longer distances to acquire water and other necessities in drought-affected areas rendering them exposed to sexual assault. Similarly, when families are unable to meet their essentials, the likelihood of FGM and child marriage goes up.
The 2022 KDHS showed that only 48% of people in Narok have access to clean drinking water. This is much lower than the national average of 68%, and the lowest of any county in Kenya. Additionally, access to clean drinking water is even lower in rural areas of Narok (42%) than in urban areas (56%). The National Drought Management Authority in its September bulletin classified Narok County to be in the normal drought phase. However, in the remote parts of Narok County such as Narok East where COVAW has been working in since 2020, the situation is dire, facing a biting drought which threatens lives of thousands people and livestock.
- Research objectives
- To understand how climate change exacerbates SGBV in Maasai communities.
- To understand the impact of climate change on women with diverse identities especially pastoralist women from Narok County
- To document some of the community owned solutions in mitigating and managing impact of climate change
- To generate recommendations on managing the impact of climate change as a mitigation for SGBV.
Note: This study will be conducted in Narok County only.
- Research Methodology
The research methodology proposed by the consultant(s) should include participatory tools and a suitable qualitative data collection methods. Data collection, analytical methods, and presentation of findings, conclusions, and recommendations should be sensitive to and differentiate relevant gender, age, diversity dimensions and other relevant markers to allow precise analysis on women, in different locations, and on different age groups and stakeholders throughout the studies.
- Deliverables and Timelines.
The required consultancy deliverables are;
- One detailed inception report including a time-bound outline of the study, detailed work plan, detailed methodology for both data collection and analysis, sample size calculations, data collection tools
- A comprehensive report on the findings including accurately analyzed data against the evaluation questions, lessons learned and recommendations.
The consultant will also be responsible for,
- Holding an inception meeting (remotely if required) with COVAW staff and reviewing any relevant documentation to gather background information
- Drafting an inception report (as above) - Incorporating feedback on inception report into planned approach and activities
- Organizing the field travel in collaboration with the COVAW team
- Supervising and quality assuring field data collection and entry
- Analyzing and synthesizing qualitative data and preparing a report
- Submitting draft reports, with accompanying data analysis to COVAW contact staff for feedback
- Incorporating feedback and submitting a final report which provides findings that respond to the projects key objectives, as well as specific, useable and tailored recommendations which can be directly applied to COVAW’s programming
- Providing the typed raw data to COVAW contact staff
COVAW will be responsible for,
- Availing all necessary project documents to the consultant
- Holding an inception meeting with the consultant to provide background information and to finalize the research work-plan, timelines and expectations
- Provide oversight for data collection.
- Reviewing the inception report and data collection tools and providing the consultant with specific and timely feedback
- Facilitating access to the respondents
- Reviewing the draft study report and providing the consultant with specific and timely feedback
- Managing and supporting the consultant throughout the research process
- Approving the final study report
The is anticipated to take a maximum of 20 days:
- Start***-8th January 2024***
- End**-** 28th January 2024
Specific timelines will be agreed upon with the successful consultant.
- Reporting
The consultant must submit two bound copies and a soft copy of study report which is expected to be within 40 pages (without annexes).
- Skills and Qualifications of Consultant
Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences, Human Rights, Research, or related field**.**
Required Experience and Skills
- At least 5 years experience in dealing with conducting research/surveys, human rights/SGBV issues.
- Good understanding of climate change, SGBV, FGM/C, Human Rights and Social norms.
- Proven research and report writing skills and facilitation experience.
- High level of professionalism and ethics
How to apply
Interested consultants/firms must submit the following documents:
- Technical proposal which must include the following:
- Proposed program and methodology to be used for the research not more than 5 pages
- Consultants past experience in thematic area, supported by hard or soft copies of relevant reports.
- Financial proposal (budget) in MS Excel in Kenya Shillings.
- CV of the applicant with contact details for three referees; if applicant intends to work in a team, she/he should indicate all team members and attach CVs. Highlight the Team leader.
- Two soft copy samples of previous related work undertaken.
All documents must be submitted not later than 5.00pm, Friday 5th January 2024 via email to with subject: ‘STUDY ON IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON WOMEN’S RIGHTS